
§ none意指「三者以上皆不」( 後接單數或複數動詞 )。
   neither意指「二者以上皆不」( 後接單數動詞 )。 

  either of (兩者其一)
  neither of(兩者都不)
  both of (兩者都),後+複數
  all of (三者或三者以上都是)
  none of (三者或三者以上都不是)

None of the three criminals is sent back to Taiwan by now.

 ( 至今那三位犯人仍未遣返回台灣。)

 Neither of my two nephews gets married.

 ( 我的兩個姪子都還沒有結婚。)


"Neither Pete, nor Jane, has a car" .   兩人都沒有車子。

"None of the guys in my class has a car".  


Neither = 2

None = more than 2

  either of 是指“兩者有其一......” 
  Either of us speaks English. (注意“speaks“)
  neither of是指“兩者都不...” 用于否定句 
  Neither of us English. (注意“speaks“)
  both of是指兩者都...... 用于肯定句 
  Both the boys are clever. 兩個男孩都很聰明。 
  Either of與both of 注意區別兩者的意思,不同的意思,單複數不一樣.
  ① There are two apples on the table; you can take either of them. 桌上有兩只蘋果,隨你拿哪一只。 
  ② There are two apples on the table; you can take both of them. 桌上有兩只蘋果,你可以把兩只都拿去。 ③ There are trees on either side of the street. 街的兩邊(每一邊)綠樹成蔭。 
  ④ There are trees on both sides of the street. 街的兩邊綠樹成蔭。 
  all of是指所有人(或物)都...(超過兩個) 
  All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers.所有中國學生都是少先隊員。 
  否定式:Not all of,意思是“不全是” (千萬不要誤認爲是“全部都不是”。)
  Not all of us went to school yesterday.昨天我們不全都來上學。 
  對比:All of us went to school yesterday.昨天我們全都來上學.
  none of 是指“所有人(或物)都不...”全部否定(超過三個)
  以None of 開頭的句子,謂語動詞用單數或複數均可。 
  None of。。。作主語,強調個體時,謂語動詞用單數;若強調整體時,謂語動詞則用複數。 
  None of us speaks English. (注意“speaks“)
  He likes none of these books.這些書他一本也不喜歡
  None of the food was left.沒剩一點食物
  None of the money is mine. 這筆錢沒有一點是我的.
  None of these cars is [are] new.這些汽車沒有一輛是新的.
  None of us has got a camera.我們中間沒有一個人有照相機


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